Were any of you like me?
Pre mommy-hood, I can clearly remember being at PATHMARK trying to grab a few things for a gathering I'd planned for my friends at my place. As I pushed my cart down aisle after aisle, I could hear this loud, untamed shrieking. I'm adding items to my cart trying to ignore it but its getting louder and louder as the source of the ungodly sound got closer. Finally they made it to my aisle and this little girl was letting her father have it! I mean she was screaming as loud as she could, making herself gag, all in an effort to get her way and be allowed to "go with mommy" (wherever she was...kudos to that runaway mom. lol. jk). The poor man barely looked up to make eye contact with anyone else in the store, and probably to avoid somehow ending up on the ten o'clock news, he also did not attempt to dethrone the little drama queen he had in his cart. Lol. I was embarrassed for him and aside from thinking that the parental skills of the parents in question were...well, questionable... I can clearly remember saying to myself, "When I have kids, they will NOT act like that!".
Well, moral of that little story is, I THOUGHT WRONG! I have learned more in the last 3 years as a mother than I had in my umpteen years of school. Children will be children. So when painting a picture in your head of how yours will be, when in existence or at any particular age, take into consideration that they will have their own little mind, their own sense of "creativity" and their own character flaws that may have nothing to do with who their parents are or how they were raised.
Now the icing on the cake. I'm in Wallmart a few nights ago with both children. Mekhi decides that he doesn't want to be in the cart so rather than have him "pull a Pathmark" on me (lol), I allowed him to walk. He did ok, holding my hand occasionally, but when we got in line for checkout all h. e. double hockey stick broke loose! This kid was determined to eat a kit kat but was throwing a fit because he couldn't open it. (SB: As a mother I feel like beating the brakes off the genius that came up with the idea of putting all the candy and gum right there where you have to checkout. Right there where you are in line with no where to run. Right there where the kids beg and cry in front of an audience of folks who are already in impatient mode! Yeah whoever you are...thanks a lot genius!!!)
Anyway, I could not calm him down so I waved the white flag. I opened the kit kat and watched him eat it. Hey, say what you want, but learning to pick my battles is one of the greatest lessons in parenting. Once he started to chew and got quiet I shared some with his sister and I ate a piece myself! A lady in a line beside me who had apparently been watching started to laugh. When I saw her laughing I burst into laughter too! She said, "Girl I know that's right! You can't win 'em all!" I later found out she was the mother of 7 well-behaved children who still had their bad days. So to all you moms and dad's out there. If your little one "pulls a pathmark" on you, it's okay! It happens to the best of us! LOL
Good luck in those stores this holiday season! LOL
Remember kids laugh all the time. Mommy too can laugh!
And for a real good laugh, read this blog entry from A. McCoy, my children's god-father, who has yet to experience the joy of one of his own. LOL As a matter of fact, he has yet to babysit for more than an hour!
Antwane, we're coming!!!!LMBO!
Hilarious! It's a perfect look into the minds of those who have yet to become parents!
Much Love!
It'll never happen to me!