Monday, November 1, 2010

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I have had so many hilarious moments with my 3 year old Khy'lee. I personally think she is the funniest child ever to grace the earth...or at least my family! She talks like she's been here before and she doesn't take any mess! With her you have to be on your toes, come correct and mean what you say at all times! She listens well and forgets little.

About a month ago she started gymnastics. Now this rumbustious kid loves to jump and flip all over the house (her little brother, and her aunt and uncle) so I had to try to tame those abilities. Anyhoo, she starts and she likes it. They get to practice tumbling, trampoline jumping, zip-lining, walking a balance beam and a bunch of other stuff meant to burn them out so they sleep well at home, if you ask me. Khy'lee did it all too...EXCEPT THE SWING!  Now you all have seen the Olympics on TV or some type of gymnastics competition (this type of swing is also used at the circus for the acrobats). You know the swing they swing from and then flip to another swing or they swing from the swing with their feet only to catch another acrobatic gymnast. Of course the version of this swing that khy'lee faced is only about 4 or 5 feet from the ground. The instructor lifts them up, they are to grab a nice tight hold. She gives them a push so they swing back and forth a few times, then they are instructed to let go and fall into a pit of plush blocks.

Well miss Khy'lee saw it and from day one, she was not beat! She would do whatever else she was instructed to do but each time the instructors lead the way to the swing, Khy'lee politely seprated herself from the group.  After seeing this the first two weeks, I figured she would eventually give in and want to do it since all the other kids were swinging away.  Nope not Khy'lee. She just isn't much of a follower (thank you Jesus). So, while driving to her class 2 weeks ago, my sister and I were pressing the issue of her giving this swing a try. We said all types of things but she was not letting up about her willingness to avoid that swing at all cost (apparently we are not well versed in child psycology). At that point I did what I think all parents do every now and then...I offered her 5 dollars if she gave the swing a go. She said, "Mommy, you can just give me five dollars for the zip-line. I do that every time!" Of course I LAUGHED at her "Let's make a deal" mentality and stood behind my pledge that the five bucks would only be for the swing. She still didnt give in and even asked me not to "make her mad" about the swing. My sister and I were convinced that she was not going to try that swing unles she decided on her own that she wanted to, so we backed down and left it alone.

Well we get to the class and she's doing the usual routines. When its time for the swing she actually walks over with the rest of her class. At this point my sister and I turn our heads so she doesn't see us looking (we were shocked she was even walking towards it that time). We keep our eyes off of her and I hear a loud scream, "Hey mommy, I'm gonna try this swing okay!?" I say ok...she says, "Then can I have my five dollars?" (Imagine the looks and laughs I got!) I said "Yes, Khy'lee...Yes!" And the kid does it! And when the class is over. She is sure to request her money, making sure I put my money where my mouth is!

What a wonderful day that was only for her to refuse to do it this past week. Telling her instructor, "I tried that last week"..."You can't try it too much or it will make you sick. Just like when my uncle be hanging me from doors and he be making me sick!" The instructor laughed! I turned away if no one would know that I was the parent of the only black child in the class!!! Lol. My child even turned my direction and said, "Mommy do I get five dollars for trying it?" I said, "No!"...she played in the plush blocks while everyone else enjoyed the swing!

I tell ya!...She is a little hustler! Lol.
Kids laugh all the time. Mommy too can laugh!...she just better not promise money for any other conquest!

1 comment:

  1. I love this chic! You're right she will never be a follower but tell her I'll give her $20! Lol
