I'd like to start by saying thank you for visiting my blog spot. Hopefully you'll get a few laughs out of the "mommymonies" (testimonies of a mommy) that I share here, and even email me to share a few of your own. I wanted my first post to give you all an idea of who I am and why I decided to share my mommymonies.
My name is Eboni Crawford. I am 26 years old and over-joyed to be the mother of two very interesting, busy, personality-filled and hilarious little ones. I have a 3 year old daughter, Khy'lee, and a one year old son, Mekhi. I come from a pretty big family, so giggling at the things children say has always been a must in my family. We share stories, and if you're lucky enough to be a kid in my family, you'll hear stories about yourself well throughout your teenage years and adulthood, in a effort to keep you very humble and tolerant of all other children I think!
I was married at age 23 and 2 years or so later I'm a single mom of two. (Please hold the sad "Awwwwwww"s, lol) I'm lucky enough to have more family support than anyone could ever dream of. And while many others may have found a reason to gripe about the busy work of being a single mother, I have been blessed enough to have lots to smile and laugh about. I work full-time and crazy hours in a busy environment and coming home everyday to my god-given job as mommy leaves for some crazy days. Through it all, I have discovered a love for the role of mothers everywhere and an undying love for my own mother. I have learned that being a mommy means you will cry, you will scream, you will spank, you will hug, you will encourage, you will wipe tears, bandage boo boos, you will have sleepless nights and long, busy days, you will make mistakes, you will learn more than ever imagined and most of all you will laugh!
I read somewhere that mothers are a promise from God that you will have a friend forever. I believe that children are a promise from God that you will always have a reason to laugh. Even if it's just in recalling a memory. I plan on sharing so many laughs with you here and I hope you will email me from time to time to share your laughable mommymonies with me too! Enjoy and be blessed!
Congrats on ur new blog, I love it and you know I have lots of Mommymonies!!! Nothing like the joys of motherhood, keep posting and I will continue to read!!!! Congrats once again!!!